This Video is the third one of Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 Installation series. If you are new to Zerto here is the quick Introduction – A complete solution for data protection and disaster recovery in a hybrid cloud by connecting disparate technologies with storage and hypervisor agnostic protection. Simultaneously replicate VMs within your datacenter, to a secondary data center, and to Microsoft Azure, AWS or Cloud Service Providers. Evolve IT by leveraging new storage technologies such as all flash arrays, remove multiple legacy point solutions for data protection and create hybrid clouds. With one simple solution, Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 removes the barriers of technology lock-in and the complexity of multiple point solutions to enable endless possibilities.
You can find previous Zerto installation videos here:
In this module, we are going to cover the installation fo Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA) for AWS & Azure. Network connectivity is important as we are stretching on-prem cloud to Public Cloud platforms.
Azure ZCA requirements:
Standard DS3 V2 VM
Windows 2012+
Deploy from Azure Marketplace (search for Zerto Virtual Replication)
One ZCA for every 150-200 VM’s
AWS ZCA requirements:
M4.xLarge EC2 Instance
Windows 2012+
Deploy manually
One ZCA for every 150-200 VM’s