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VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) – SDDC Host Types

Cloud is the new norm for any company and VMware products with Amazon got some traction in recent days. A lot of on-prem customers need to adopt cloud solutions and their first choice with vSphere is VMware Cloud on AWS also known as VMC on AWS. Popular terms used by VMware Administrators are vCenter/ESXi/Host from the last decade and the same can be used in the Cloud era by using the vSphere+ products. VMware business is growing faster in this space and more products are coming this Cloud way like Tanzu and VMware Aria. Today I would like to introduce the ESXi host types that customers can purchase in the AWS world. VMware Cloud on AWS service provides simple yet flexible options to consume VMware’s powerful software capabilities and AWS’s elastic, bare-metal infrastructure as a combined offering with support included.

VMware Cloud on AWS delivers the consistent vSphere-based infrastructure that runs on Amazon EC2 elastic, bare-metal instances dedicated to each customer. The underlying instances provide the compute, storage, and networking infrastructure for software-defined data center. There are multiple host types available to optimize for particular use cases that may have different performance or data storage requirements. All hosts in a cluster must be identical, but you can deploy more than one cluster in an SDDC if another type of host is needed. Customers may be able to get better economics and performance by creating multiple clusters with different instance types based on their workload and environment needs.


Host Type: i3.metal (Discontinued)

The i3 host type was our initial host offering and the default option for VMware Cloud on AWS cluster deployments. These hosts are suitable for most workloads including general computing, databases, and virtual desktop deployments. This host type is available for use in all cluster types including single-node, two-node, 3+ node, and stretched cluster deployments. An i3.metal host type can provide you with a maximum cluster size of 16 hosts containing 576 cores, almost 9 TB of RAM, and 160 TiB of raw storage capacity.


Host Type: i3en.metal

The i3en host type is optimized for data-intensive workloads both for storage-bound or general-purpose clusters. These hosts are suitable for workloads that have high-capacity storage needs and high transaction rates such as NoSQL databases, distributed file systems, and data warehouses. This ESXi host type is available for use in 2+ node and stretched cluster deployments but is not available for single-node deployments. An I3en host type can provide you with a maximum cluster size of 16 hosts containing 768 cores, 13 TB of RAM, and roughly 768 TiB of raw storage capacity.

Host Type: I4i

The I4i host type is the latest addition to the list of instance/host types. It is resource-optimized to support all workloads. The i4i bare-metal EC2 instance type uses the latest Intel Xeon generation. The instance has 30TB of NVMe capacity, and 7.5TB is used for caching. Single host i4i deployments are available for a 60-day trial without a Service Level objective (SLO).  An I4i host type can provide you with a maximum cluster size of 16 (soft-limit) hosts containing 1024 cores, more than 16TB of RAM, and roughly 480TB of raw storage capacity.


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VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) - SDDC Host Types