If you want to deploy many K8 clusters and manage them from a single console in the Cloud – VMware has a better way to do it (Like Karbon from Nutanix) with the name “VMware Cloud PKS” (also known as VMware Kubernetes Engine, or VKE). There are two products VMware PKS & VMware Cloud PKS and they deal with K8 clusters. VMware Cloud PKS is an enterprise Kubernetes-as-a-Service offering in the VMware Cloud Services portfolio that provides easy to use, secure by default, cost-effective Kubernetes for modern application development. VMware Cloud PKS runs natively on AWS today with support for Azure expected in the future. Unlike other public cloud Kubernetes offerings, VMware Cloud PKS is multi-cloud ready.
VMware PKS is an enterprise self-managed Kubernetes container solution that runs on vSphere, GCP, and AWS. With VMware PKS, customers deploy and operate Kubernetes clusters regardless of where it is deployed on private or public clouds. VMware Cloud PKS is a fully managed Kubernetes-as-a-Service on AWS that is part of the VMware Cloud Services portfolio. It provides a SaaS-based model where customers consume Kubernetes without the need to deploy and operate Kubernetes clusters and the underlying infrastructure.
VMware Cloud PKS is a VMware Cloud Service that provides a fully-managed, subscription-based, Kubernetes-as-a-service offering that runs natively on AWS. VMware Cloud PKS provides additional value by integrating with other VMware Cloud Services such as Wavefront. VMware offers a complete set of container solutions for on-premises, public cloud and hybrid deployments enabling IT operations and developers to choose the right tool based on their needs. A development cluster has only one master node (including etcd) while a production cluster has three master nodes across three availability zones for high availability.
A VMware Smart Cluster is a Kubernetes cluster managed by VMware Cloud PKS. Smart Cluster automates the selection of compute resources to constantly optimize resource usage, provide high availability, and reduce cost. Smart Cluster removes the need for educated guesses around cluster definition and sizing for optimal compute resources. It also enables the management of cost-effective, scalable Kubernetes clusters that are optimized for application requirements. A Smart Cluster comes in two types: development and production. VMware Smart Cluster provides built-in high availability for production clusters with multi-master deployment on multiple zones. Both development and production clusters come with routine health checks and self-healing capabilities for Kubernetes clusters. Users can run workloads in a highly available environment without manual configuration.
The value propositions of VMware Cloud PKS are:
• Simple, easy to use and manage Kubernetes clusters
• Broad ecosystem of application building blocks
• Highly secure by default
• Multi-cloud ready
• Lower cost
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