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VMware AI

Automating VMware Operations with AI, ChatGPT, and VMware Aria Operations & Automation

Managing VMware infrastructure requires continuous monitoring and proactive maintenance. By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, and VMware’s Aria Suite products, such as Aria Operations (vROps),  Automation (vRA), and vRealize Orchestrator (vRO), administrators can automate repetitive tasks, predict issues, and enhance infrastructure efficiency.

This guide provides technical details for building action-based alerts and automating tasks such as VM reboots, disk space management, network scaling, and more.

Why Use VMware Aria Suite with AI?

VMware Aria Suite offers tools that make it possible to:

  1. Monitor: Gain real-time visibility with vROps for metrics like CPU, memory, and disk usage.
  2. Automate: Use vRA to provision and scale resources automatically.
  3. Orchestrate: Create advanced workflows using vRO to manage complex tasks.
  4. Predict: Leverage AI to forecast issues and recommend actions.

By adding AI and ChatGPT to this mix, you can create a fully automated ecosystem with intuitive, conversational interfaces for real-time interaction and decision-making.

Key Automation Use Cases

1. Proactive Monitoring with vROps and AI

  • Use vROps to monitor VMs, clusters, and storage performance.
  • Apply AI models for anomaly detection and predictive insights.
  • Example:
    • Problem: CPU usage consistently spikes above 90% on a VM.
    • Solution: AI predicts sustained load and recommends adding CPU cores or moving the workload to another host.

2. Disk Space Management

  • vROps monitors disk usage trends and alerts if utilization crosses thresholds (e.g., 85%).
  • vRO workflow automatically increases disk space.
  • AI predicts future growth based on historical trends.

Technical Details

vROps Metric: datastore|diskspace.usage.avg
Action Workflow in vRO:

// VMware vRO Script to Add Disk Space
var vm = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(null, "vm_name")[0];
var disk = vm.config.hardware.device.find(device => device.deviceInfo.label === "Hard disk 1");
var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
var diskSpec = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
diskSpec.device = disk;
diskSpec.device.capacityInKB += 20 * 1024 * 1024; // Increase by 20GB
diskSpec.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.edit;
spec.deviceChange = [diskSpec];

Notification: ChatGPT sends a message:

“Disk on AppServer01 has been expanded by 20GB. Remaining free space is now 45%.”

3. Intelligent Scaling

  • vRA provisions additional CPU, memory, or network interfaces based on workload forecasts.
  • AI models analyze vROps metrics to predict demand spikes.
  • Example:
    • Problem: A VM hosting a database consistently runs at 95% memory utilization.
    • Solution: AI recommends adding 4GB of memory.

vRA Blueprint for Scaling:

formatVersion: 1
type: integer
description: Memory (GB)
type: Cloud.Machine
flavor: small
image: vm-template
memory: ${input.memory}

4. Self-Healing Infrastructure

  • vROps monitors for unresponsive VMs.
  • vRO executes workflows to restart VMs or trigger vMotion migrations.

Technical Workflow

  1. vROps Alert:
    Metric: vm|cpu.usage.avg drops to 0 for 10 minutes.
  2. vRO Workflow:
    // VMware vRO Script for Rebooting VM
    var vm = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(null, "vm_name")[0];
    System.log("Reboot task initiated for: " +;
  3. ChatGPT Notification:

    “VM AppServer01 was unresponsive for 10 minutes and has been rebooted successfully.”

5. Multi-Cloud Optimization

  • vROps tracks resource utilization across private and public clouds.
  • AI recommends moving workloads to lower-cost environments.

Technical Workflow

  1. Metrics: Compare costs of resources in AWS, Azure, and on-premises clusters.
  2. Action Plan: Use vRA to provision or migrate workloads:

    import boto3

    ec2 = boto3.client(‘ec2’)
    response = ec2.run_instances(
    ‘ResourceType’: ‘instance’,
    ‘Tags’: [{‘Key’: ‘Name’, ‘Value’: ‘MigratedAppServer’}]
    print(“AWS Instance Launched:”, response[‘Instances’][0][‘InstanceId’])

End-to-End Workflow

Scenario: Disk Space Issue Detected

  1. Monitoring:
    • vROps detects disk usage at 90% and triggers an alert.
    • AI predicts that the disk will reach 95% within 24 hours.
  2. Alert:
    • ChatGPT sends a message:

      “Disk on VM DatabaseServer01 is at 90% utilization. Predicted to reach 95% in 12 hours. Would you like to add 50GB?”

  3. Action:
    • Admin approves via Slack:
      "Approve 50GB increase."
    • vRO executes the disk expansion workflow.
  4. Confirmation:
    • ChatGPT sends a follow-up:

      “Disk on DatabaseServer01 expanded by 50GB successfully.”

Advanced Integrations

ChatGPT Integration for Alerts

  1. Fetch Alerts: Use vROps REST API to query active alerts.
    curl -u "username:password" -X GET \
  2. Send Alerts to ChatGPT:

    import openai

    openai.api_key = “your_chatgpt_api_key”
    message = “Disk usage on `AppServer01` is at 90%. Add 20GB?”
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    messages=[{“role”: “user”, “content”: message}],

  3. Admin Approval: Handle user responses and trigger actions.

Visualization with Dashboards

Use vROps Dashboards to visualize metrics and performance insights.
Example Dashboards:

  1. Cluster Health Overview:
  2. Resource Usage Trends:

Tools and Frameworks

VMware Tools

Component Purpose
vROps Monitoring and predictive insights.
vRA Provisioning and scaling resources.
vRO Executing workflows for automation.
NSX-T Automating network configurations.

AI Frameworks

Tool Use Case
TensorFlow Training predictive models for VMware data.
OpenAI ChatGPT Conversational interfaces for alerts.

Automation Tools

Tool Purpose
Terraform Automating infrastructure provisioning.
Ansible Automating configuration management.


By integrating VMware Aria Suite products with AI and ChatGPT, you can transform your VMware infrastructure into a proactive, self-healing, and highly optimized environment. From disk space management to predictive scaling and multi-cloud optimization, these technologies ensure seamless operations with minimal manual intervention.

Ready to implement these solutions? Let us know if you need a step-by-step tutorial for specific workflows or scripts!


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