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VMware Automation: “Mastering VMware Diagnostics with VCF Tool”

In the dynamic world of IT infrastructure, maintaining optimal performance across a global VMware environment is crucial for business continuity and operational excellence. The VCF Diagnostic Tool for vSphere (VDT) serves as a critical resource for diagnosing configuration issues, and when integrated with automation tools like Jenkins and Ansible, it becomes a strategic asset for both VMware administrators and IT Directors/Managers.

Understanding the VCF Diagnostic Tool

The VCF Diagnostic Tool is designed to streamline troubleshooting processes for vCenter Server appliances. It executes a series of checks and reports results in a user-friendly PASS/FAIL/WARN format, along with INFO messages that assist in detecting hidden inconsistencies.

Core Features:

  • Intuitive Results: Simplifies problem identification with clear, actionable results.
  • Comprehensive Checks: Encompasses vCenter Basic Info, Active Directory Integration, Disk Space Usage, and DNS Functionality, among others.
  • Read-Only Operation: Ensures diagnostics do not alter the environment.
  • Centralized Logging: Stores logs at /var/log/vmware/vcf/vdt/.

Supported Environments:

  • Compatible with VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x, 6.7.x, 7.0.x, and 8.0.x.

Deployment and Usage of VDT

  1. Download and Transfer:
    • Obtain the appropriate VDT version for your vCenter from the official repository.
    • Use SCP tools like WinSCP to transfer the ZIP file to /root on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  2. Installation:


    # cd /root/
    # unzip vdt-<version_number>.zip
  3. Execution:
    • Run the diagnostic tool using:


    # python
    • Enter credentials for administrator@sso.domain as needed.


Advanced Automation Across Global vCenters with Jenkins and Ansible

For VMware administrators tasked with maintaining vCenters across regions such as the Americas, Asia, and EMEA, automation is key to achieving efficiency and consistency. Leveraging Jenkins and Ansible not only optimizes diagnostics but also facilitates strategic decision-making for IT Directors/Managers.

Jenkins Configuration and Setup

  1. Install Jenkins:
    • Set up Jenkins on a dedicated server, ensuring it has access to all vCenter Servers.
    • Configure security settings and add necessary plugins such as the Ansible plugin for seamless integration.
  2. Job Configuration:
    • Create a Jenkins pipeline or freestyle project to orchestrate the diagnostic process.
    • Use Jenkins credentials to securely store SSH keys and administrator credentials required for accessing vCenter Servers.
  3. Pipeline Script Example:


    pipeline {
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('Checkout Code') {
                steps {
                    git 'https://your-repo-url.git'
            stage('Run Ansible Playbook') {
                steps {
                        playbook: 'playbooks/run_vdt.yml',
                        inventory: 'inventory/hosts',
                        extras: '-e "version=vdt-2.0.8"'
        post {
            always {
                archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/vdt_report*.txt', fingerprint: true
                mail to: '',
                     subject: "VDT Report",
                     body: "The VDT report has been generated. Please check the attached logs.",
                     attachLog: true

Ansible Configuration and Playbooks

  1. Inventory Setup:
    • Define all vCenter Server instances in an Ansible inventory file, grouping them by region if necessary.


  2. Playbook Development:
    • Develop Ansible playbooks to automate VDT deployment, execution, and result collection.
    • Utilize Ansible modules like, and ansible.builtin.command for task execution.
  3. Playbook Example:


    - name: Run VCF Diagnostic Tool
      hosts: all_vcenters
        - name: Copy VDT to vCenter
            src: /local/path/vdt-<version_number>.zip
            dest: /root/
        - name: Unpack VDT
            cd /root/
            unzip vdt-<version_number>.zip
        - name: Execute VDT
          register: vdt_output
        - name: Save VDT output
            content: "{{ vdt_output.stdout }}"
            dest: /local/path/to/save/output/{{ inventory_hostname }}_vdt_report.txt
    - name: Process and Send Reports
      hosts: localhost
        - name: Run Python Report Script
          ansible.builtin.command: python

Benefits for VMware Administrators and IT Directors/Managers

  • Efficiency and Scalability: Automation reduces manual effort, allowing administrators to focus on strategic tasks, while scalable solutions can accommodate growing infrastructure needs.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Detailed reports provide IT Directors/Managers with insights into system health, enabling informed decision-making and proactive management.
  • Consistency and Reliability: Automated processes ensure uniform diagnostics across all vCenters, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing system reliability.
  • Timely Insights: Regularly scheduled diagnostics and reporting ensure that potential issues are identified and addressed before impacting operations.


By integrating the VCF Diagnostic Tool with Jenkins and Ansible, organizations can transform their VMware infrastructure management, achieving greater efficiency and strategic oversight. This comprehensive automation framework not only enhances the reliability of system health reports but also empowers IT teams to focus on innovation and proactive management, ultimately driving operational excellence.

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