VCAP-DCDI cleared VCAP 5 - DCD Exam & my Success Story By Sateesh Thupakula October 11, 2015 VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) certificates, the most certificates VMware…Read more
VCAP-DCDNew Training Courses - vSphere & Cloud Automation: Design and Deploy Fast Track [V6] By Sateesh Thupakula September 19, 2015 VMware Cloud Automation: Design and Deploy Fast Track [V6.0] This training…Read more
VCAP-DCDVIDEO - VMware Validated Designs By Sateesh Thupakula August 30, 2015 Cisco Validated Designs – CVD VMware Validate Designs – VVD These are new terms…Read more
VCAP GURUZVCAP-DCDVCAP5-DCD Study Guide - Part I By Sateesh Thupakula May 24, 2015 It is hot summer outside and last IPL 2015 match going to happen today (For readers from…Read more
BOOKSHELFFAMOUS BOOKSVCAP-DCDVMware vSphere Performance: Designing CPU, Memory, Storage, and Networking for Performance-Intensive Workloads By Sateesh Thupakula February 5, 2015 Covering the latest VMware vSphere software, an essential book aimed at solving vSphere…Read more
VCAP GURUZVCAP-DCDVCAP-DCD-VDCD550-Exam-Blueprint-v3_4 By Sateesh Thupakula January 26, 2015 Purpose of Exam The VMware Certified Advanced Professional…Read more
BOOKSHELFPRESS BOOKSVCAP-DCDVCAP5-DCD Official Cert Guide By Sateesh Thupakula January 24, 2015The VCAP5-DCD Official Cert Guide presents you with an organized test preparation routine through…Read more