BOOKSHELFFAMOUS BOOKS BOOK: VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference -2nd Edition By Sateesh Thupakula December 21, 2015
VCAP GURUZVCAP-DCAVCAP-DCDGet Ready for "VMware VCAP6 Exams" By Sateesh Thupakula December 12, 2015Here is what coming: December 2015 Pre-release announcement (this post) Information related to some…Read more
Cloud E2EVMware Integrated OpenStack By Sateesh Thupakula December 11, 2015 With VMware Integrated OpenStack, you can implement OpenStack services on your existing…Read more
BOOKSHELFFAMOUS BOOKSBOOK: "Designing a Storage Performance Platform" By Sateesh Thupakula December 11, 2015 Frank Denneman, Chief Technologist at PernixData, collaborated with Tom Queen, SE lead at…Read more
Cloud E2EVIDEO: "Installing vRealize Automation 7.0" By Sateesh Thupakula December 2, 2015VMware vRealize Automation automates the delivery of personalized infrastructure, applications and…Read more
Cloud E2EVIDEO: "VMware App Volumes 2.10" By Sateesh Thupakula November 26, 2015What is App Volumes? VMware App Volumes (formerly CloudVolumes) provides real-time application…Read more
Cloud E2EVIDEO: "Securing Desktop Virtualization with NSX and Horizon" By Sateesh Thupakula November 25, 2015 VMware Horizon 6 brings innovation to the desktop platform and extends app delivery across…Read more
VSPHERE 6.0VMware Scripts Hub "VMware Sample Exchange" By Sateesh Thupakula November 25, 2015How many times you searched in Google/Bing for the SCRIPT to pull sanpshots information?? List of…Read more
FREE TOOLSNew VMware Fling: "ESXi Embedded Host Client" By Sateesh Thupakula November 4, 2015New free tool (fling) from VMware labs now allows to manage ESXi host via web client without the…Read more
VCAP GURUZVMware Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster - Performance and Best Practices By Sateesh Thupakula October 31, 2015One of the most distinguishing features of VMware Virtual SAN 6.1 is the availability of stretched…Read more